Why join HFF…
Membership of HFF is the best way to keep up to date with issues affecting the industry, while also showing your support for it. Members enjoy:
Access to industry information via newsletters, email alerts and website access.
Grower meetings, which are held in Victoria at least three times in non conference years.
Substantial discounts to the HFF bi-ennial conferences and grower meetings.
Discounted Joining Fee to Membership of the national hydroponic body Protected Cropping Australia (PCA).
Throughout the course of the year, the HFF supports industry initiatives; providing ongoing financial support for IPM research and development, and careful scrutiny of any legislation that could possibly affect (in either a positive or negative way) our hydroponic industry, ie: ammonium nitrate legislation.
The HFF through it’s limited resources aims to be a collective voice to local and federal government for the hydroponic industry.
We have membership categories to suit everyone
Please send membership enquiries to:
Ian Mortlock - Membership Secretary
Work: 03 5461 1111 Mobile: 0418 368 218
Email: ian@morthydro.com
OR for more information contact the HFF team on: support@hff.org.au