
Why join HFF…

Membership of HFF is the best way to keep up to date with issues affecting the industry, while also showing your support for it. Members enjoy:

  • Access to industry information via newsletters, email alerts and website access.

  • Grower meetings, which are held in Victoria at least three times in non conference years.

  • Substantial discounts to the HFF bi-ennial conferences and grower meetings.

  • Discounted Joining Fee to Membership of the national hydroponic body Protected Cropping Australia (PCA).

Throughout the course of the year, the HFF supports industry initiatives; providing ongoing financial support for IPM research and development, and careful scrutiny of any legislation that could possibly affect (in either a positive or negative way) our hydroponic industry, ie: ammonium nitrate legislation.

The HFF through it’s limited resources aims to be a collective voice to local and federal government for the hydroponic industry.

We have membership categories to suit everyone


Please send membership enquiries to: 

Ian Mortlock - Membership Secretary

Work: 03 5461 1111 Mobile: 0418 368 218

OR for more information contact the HFF team on: